Best News For Thousands Of Citizens In Michigan: New $528/Monthly Payment Stimulus Checks

By Elena Cordelia

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Best News For Thousands Of Citizens In Michigan

Ann Arbor, Michigan, is making waves with a new initiative to support low-income entrepreneurs and small business owners. This program, called Guaranteed Income to Grow Ann Arbor (GIG A2), is providing monthly payments to help local business people thrive.

What is the GIG A2 Program?

The GIG A2 program offers $528 per month to 100 selected beneficiaries for two years. This initiative aims to address immediate financial needs while also strengthening the local economy. Over a thousand people have applied, demonstrating the significant demand for this type of support.

Who is Eligible for the Program?

To qualify for the GIG A2 program, applicants must meet specific criteria:

  • Must live in Ann Arbor.
  • Be 18 years or older.
  • Earn no more than 225% of the federal poverty level.
  • Be engaged in some form of entrepreneurship or gig work.

This program focuses on helping those who are actively working but still earn a low income. By targeting entrepreneurs, the initiative supports individuals who play a crucial role in the community’s economic stability.

The Impact of the GIG A2 Program

The University of Michigan’s Poverty Solutions will conduct research on the program’s impact. They will study two groups: the 100 beneficiaries receiving guaranteed income and another group of 100 people who will receive small fees for participating in surveys and interviews.

This research aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the program’s effects on participants and their businesses. Incentives like $50 for each completed survey encourage active participation and help gather valuable data to understand the benefits of guaranteed income projects.

Funding and Support for the Program

The GIG A2 program is funded by both federal and local governments. The Ann Arbor City Council has allocated $1.6 million from the Federal American Rescue Plan Act to support this 24-month pilot program. Additionally, the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation has shown strong backing for this initiative.

This financial commitment highlights the city’s understanding of the challenges faced by many residents, especially those affected by COVID-19. The program’s design reflects careful consideration of how to address these issues and support the local business community.

Investing in Ann Arbor’s Future

The Guaranteed Income to Grow program is not just a form of aid; it’s an investment in Ann Arbor’s future. By providing financial support to 100 low-income business owners, the program offers a safety net and promotes economic development and community stability.

The high number of applicants shows the critical need for such assistance. Over the next two years, the program’s impact on participants, their businesses, and the broader community could serve as a model for other cities facing similar economic challenges.

Ann Arbor’s GIG A2 program is a shining example of how targeted financial support can foster local business growth and strengthen the community. By investing in its entrepreneurs, Ann Arbor is paving the way for a more robust and stable local economy.


What is the GIG A2 program?

The Guaranteed Income to Grow Ann Arbor (GIG A2) program provides $528 per month to 100 selected low-income entrepreneurs and small business owners for two years. This initiative aims to support local business growth and economic stability.

Who is eligible for the GIG A2 program?

To be eligible for the GIG A2 program, applicants must:
Live in Ann Arbor
Be 18 years or older
Earn no more than 225% of the federal poverty level
Be involved in some form of entrepreneurship or gig-related work

How many people will receive the guaranteed income?

The program will select 100 beneficiaries who will receive the monthly payments.

For You!

Ann Arbor community support COVID-19 impact economic development federal funding GIG A2 guaranteed income low-income entrepreneurs pilot program small business support

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Elena Cordelia

Elena is a seasoned tax consultant with a decade of expertise in income tax management. Graduating with top honors in Finance, she embarked on a career journey focused on simplifying tax complexities. Elena's insightful articles on provide practical guidance to taxpayers.

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