Trump Shapes GOP Platform on Abortion for 2024 Campaign

By Elena Cordelia

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The Republican National Committee (RNC) has adopted a new party platform that aligns with former President Donald Trump’s views on abortion. This platform opposes a federal abortion ban and leaves the decision to the states.

For the first time in 40 years, it does not include explicit support for a national ban. This move reflects Trump’s strategy to avoid strict abortion language during his campaign, even though he played a role in overturning Roe v. Wade.

Changes to the Platform

The new platform, now just 16 pages long, reflects Trump’s priorities and avoids giving Democrats more material to criticize. It keeps the principle that the Constitution extends rights to fetuses but removes language supporting a constitutional amendment to apply the 14th Amendment’s protections to children before birth. Instead, it asserts that states are free to pass laws protecting those rights.

Reactions from Anti-Abortion Advocates

Many anti-abortion advocates who initially criticized Trump’s efforts have accepted the new platform. Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of SBA Pro-Life America, praised the reaffirmation of protecting unborn life through the 14th Amendment. However, she did not fully endorse the idea that the matter rests entirely with the states, emphasizing that Congress has a role under the 14th Amendment.

The Platform Committee Meeting

The platform committee began its meeting a week before the Republican National Convention in Wisconsin, where Trump is expected to accept his third straight nomination for president.

Traditionally, the platform is written by party activists. In 2016, it included an endorsement of a 20-week national abortion ban. Trump supported similar legislation in 2018, though it did not pass in the Senate.

Ongoing Debate Within the Party

Some vocal opponents of abortion on the platform committee believe that the aspiration for a federal abortion ban should remain a party principle, even if it is not immediately attainable or helpful to Trump’s campaign. Iowa state Rep. Brad Sherman, a committee member, expressed concern over the lack of clear principles on abortion in the new platform.

Controversy Over the Platform Process

Conservative activists have criticized the secretive process for selecting committee members and the closed-door meetings. Tim Chapman, incoming president of Advancing American Freedom, emphasized the importance of an open and transparent process for the GOP platform.

The new GOP platform reflects Trump’s influence and his campaign’s strategy to reshape the Republican National Committee. By avoiding strict abortion language and focusing on other issues like immigration and the economy, Trump aims to strengthen his campaign for the 2024 presidential election.

What is the main change in the GOP platform on abortion?

The platform opposes a federal abortion ban and leaves the decision to the states, removing language supporting a national ban.

Why did Trump influence the GOP platform on abortion?

Trump aims to avoid strict abortion language in his campaign and prevent giving Democrats more material to criticize.

How have anti-abortion advocates reacted to the new platform?

Many have accepted it, praising the reaffirmation of protecting unborn life through the 14th Amendment but some are concerned about the lack of clear principles on abortion.

What was the platform process criticized for?

Conservative activists criticized the secretive process for selecting committee members and the closed-door meetings.

What issues does the new GOP platform focus on?

The platform focuses on immigration, the economy, energy, taxes, and crime, among other issues, but avoids detailed language on abortion.

For You!

14th Amendment 2024 election abortion federal abortion ban GOP platform RNC Trump campaign

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Elena Cordelia

Elena is a seasoned tax consultant with a decade of expertise in income tax management. Graduating with top honors in Finance, she embarked on a career journey focused on simplifying tax complexities. Elena's insightful articles on provide practical guidance to taxpayers.

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