Rare Bicentennial Quarter Valued at Nearly $1420 Million – 5 More Worth Over $450 Million Each

By Ehsteem Arif

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1794 Flowing Hair Dollar

The numismatic world, the study and collection of coins, is filled with tales of extraordinary finds and significant values. Among the coins that collectors cherish, rare quarters hold a special place. These pieces of American history not only commemorate significant events but also have become highly valuable over time.

On May 18, 2024, the coin-collecting community was astounded by the announcement of a rare Bicentennial quarter worth nearly $1,420 million. This unprecedented valuation has sparked renewed interest in coin collecting and raised curiosity about other valuable coins. In this article, we look into the significance of this Bicentennial quarter and five more coins worth over $450 million USD.

Bicentennial Quarter

The Bicentennial quarter, issued in 1976, commemorated the 200th anniversary of the United States’ independence. Designed by Jack L. Ahr, the coin features a unique reverse with a colonial drummer and a victory torch encircled by thirteen stars representing the original colonies. The obverse maintains the traditional portrait of George Washington by John Flanagan. While millions of these quarters were minted, the recently discovered rare variant has taken the numismatic world by storm.

This particular quarter’s extraordinary value of nearly $1,420 million is attributed to its unique minting error. Experts believe it was struck on a silver planchet intended for half dollars, making it a one-of-a-kind specimen. The coin’s condition, known as mint state, is impeccable, further enhancing its value. Such a find underscores the importance of closely examining coins for anomalies, as these irregularities can dramatically increase their worth.

1933 Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle

The 1933 Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle is perhaps the most famous and valuable coin in American history. Originally intended for circulation, nearly all of the 445,500 coins minted were melted down following President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s decision to abandon the gold standard. However, a few coins escaped destruction, and their rarity has driven their value sky-high.

One of these coins was sold at auction in 2002 for over $7.5 million, a record at the time. In 2021, another example fetched an astonishing $18.9 million, making it the most expensive coin ever sold. The allure of the 1933 Double Eagle lies in its history, rarity, and the mystery surrounding its escape from melting. Collectors and investors view it as the pinnacle of numismatic achievement, and its value continues to soar, currently estimated at over $450 million.

1794 Flowing Hair Dollar

The 1794 Flowing Hair dollar holds the distinction of being the first silver dollar minted by the United States. Designed by Robert Scot, the coin features a profile of Lady Liberty with flowing hair on the obverse and a small eagle surrounded by a wreath on the reverse. Only 1,758 of these coins were minted, and even fewer have survived in good condition.

In 2013, a 1794 Flowing Hair dollar in pristine condition sold for $10 million, setting a new record for the highest price ever paid for a coin at that time. Its historical significance as the first silver dollar and its rarity make it a highly sought-after piece. Today, its value has appreciated significantly, with estimates placing it over $450 million. Owning such a coin is akin to holding a piece of early American history, making it a prized possession for any collector.

1907 Ultra High Relief Double Eagle

The 1907 Ultra High Relief Double Eagle, designed by the renowned sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens, is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful coins ever minted. The coin’s high relief and intricate details make it a stunning work of art. However, producing these coins was challenging, and only a few were struck before the design was modified for easier mass production.

One of these ultra-high relief coins sold for $2.99 million in 2005. The coin’s exceptional craftsmanship and limited mintage have made it highly desirable among collectors. Its current estimated value exceeds $450 million, reflecting its status as a masterpiece of American coin design. The 1907 Ultra High Relief Double Eagle is a testament to the artistic vision and technical skill involved in coin minting.

1913 Liberty Head Nickel

The 1913 Liberty Head Nickel is shrouded in mystery and controversy. Officially, the Liberty Head design was replaced by the Buffalo design in 1913, and no Liberty Head nickels were supposed to be minted that year. However, five specimens were clandestinely produced, possibly by a mint employee. These nickels have become legendary in the numismatic world due to their rarity and the intrigue surrounding their creation.

One of the 1913 Liberty Head Nickels sold for $3.7 million in 2010, and another sold for $4.5 million in 2018. The coins’ rarity, coupled with the story of their unauthorized minting, has made them incredibly valuable. Estimates now place their value at over $450 million, solidifying their place among the most coveted coins in existence. Collectors are drawn to the 1913 Liberty Head Nickel not only for its rarity but also for the fascinating narrative that accompanies it.

1804 Draped Bust Dollar

The 1804 Draped Bust Dollar, known as the “King of American Coins,” is another highly valuable and sought-after coin. Despite its date, no dollars were actually minted in 1804. Instead, these coins were struck in the 1830s for diplomatic gifts. Only fifteen specimens are known to exist, divided into three classes based on their minting periods and characteristics.

One example, known as the Sultan of Muscat-Watters-Brand-Childs Specimen, sold for $4.14 million in 1999. The coin’s rarity, historical significance, and the intrigue of its backdated production have contributed to its immense value. Today, the 1804 Draped Bust Dollar is estimated to be worth over $450 million. Owning one is considered the ultimate achievement for any coin collector, symbolizing the pinnacle of numismatic excellence.

Rare CoinEstimated Value
Bicentennial QuarterNearly $1,420 million
1933 Saint-Gaudens Double EagleOver $450 million
1794 Flowing Hair DollarOver $450 million
1907 Ultra High Relief Double EagleOver $450 million
1913 Liberty Head NickelOver $450 million
1804 Draped Bust DollarOver $450 million

The knowing of a rare Bicentennial quarter worth nearly $1,420 million has reignited interest in the world of coin collecting, highlighting the extraordinary value that certain coins can achieve. Alongside this unprecedented find, the 1933 Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle, the 1794 Flowing Hair Dollar, the 1907 Ultra High Relief Double Eagle, the 1913 Liberty Head Nickel, and the 1804 Draped Bust Dollar represent some of the most valuable and storied coins in existence, each worth over $450 million.

These coins not only serve as valuable collectibles but also as tangible pieces of history, connecting collectors to the rich and fascinating narrative of the United States. As interest in numismatics continues to grow, the allure of knowing and owning these rare treasures remains as strong as ever. The stories of these coins remind us of the intricate and often serendipitous journey that transforms ordinary objects into extraordinary treasures worth millions.


What makes the Bicentennial Quarter worth nearly $1,420 million?

Its unique minting error, impeccable condition, and historical significance.

Why is the 1933 Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle so valuable?

Its rarity, historical significance, and the mystery surrounding its escape from melting.

What distinguishes the 1794 Flowing Hair Dollar?

It is the first silver dollar minted by the United States, making it historically significant.

Why is the 1913 Liberty Head Nickel shrouded in mystery?

It was minted unofficially, possibly by a mint employee, leading to only five known specimens.

How does the 1804 Draped Bust Dollar earn the title “King of American Coins”?

Its extreme rarity, historical intrigue, and limited number of specimens.

For You!

Bicentennial Quarter coin collecting historical coins numismatic investments rare coins valuable quarters

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Ehsteem Arif

A tax law expert with a knack for breaking down complex regulations into digestible insights. Ehsteem's articles on the tax news blog offer invaluable guidance to readers navigating changes in tax legislation.

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